Thursday, July 8, 2010

Four years of the Terrible Two's?

Just when I thought that the kids were settling down and Eleanor was leaving behind her "terrible two's" Alexandra starts moving into her "terrible two" stage. Kill me now! Sometimes it’s unbearable and I have a difficult time dealing with the tantrums. Eleanor started her terrible two stages around 18 months and just got out of it about a month ago. Alex is 18 months and I don’t know if I can handle another round of this. I just try to keep my composure and take deep breaths and just go about my routine. I do not believe that life throws you anything that you cannot handle but sometimes it pushes the line.

Eleanor has started imitating Alex and she has regressed to the baby talk. I ask Eleanor to help me teach Alex the correct words or the sign for a specific word. My belief is that Eleanor will see this as a teaching exercise and take the lead in the big sister role. Ella is always telling Alex what to do anyway so let’s make it constructive. I'll let you know how that one goes!

Other than that nothing is really going on. I've been exhausted lately and I feel like I could sleep for days. I have two friends that are having baby showers this month thus evoking my yearning to have another child. My husband would divorce me if I had another baby not to mention that I no longer possess the “equipment” to bear children. I am overjoyed at the two wonderful bundles of joy that I have been blessed with no matter how much they aggravate the heck out of me! Besides that I have heard it from a number of other people that would kill me as they and I truly believe that I am allergic to pregnancy!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Heather I am trying to comment but it seems that either my computer or g-mail are being touchy. Any way as I said a few minutes ago two year olds cann't be avoided one day they will be a joyful rememberance or a memory lapse, if I could remember which I would tell you.

    Love the new look, it has a wonderful water color appearance to it.
